elow~ am back ! :)
lame gile tak update this blog.. was busy sikit dua tiga menjak ni.. hehe btw, on 3hb february aritu, my besfren's wedding.. and mule2 dipertanggungjawabkan wat hantaran coklat je.. last2 jadi "bidan terjun" mak andam.. hahaha btw, congrates mcla ! :)
1st mase gubah coklat ni ok je but sebab wat balik ngan kete, something happened and takleh dielakkan (haja, saye xsalahkan awak ok? hehe) , tepakse la mintak org lain betolkan since i sampai lambat on that day..
*in progress before gubah*
*1st version of gubahan*
*the hantaran hasil tgn org lain*
anyway, yg penting adalah coklat tu kan? hehe
and hey there ! i will upload more photos on boxes soon, so stay with us ! :) by the way, if u have any inquiry bout the chocs, please drop an email to pettiecuttie@gmail.com. thanks !